In the universal class of certain Master Teachers, we study the application of many equations, one of which is titled Problem #13.  In part Problem #13 states that there are 26 letters in our language and if a student learns one letter per day, then how long will it take him to learn the 26 letters? There are 10 numbers to the mathematical language. Then how long will it take if a student learns the whole 10 numbers (and letters) at the above rate.

Now the word “rate” has many uses. It is a common word used to explain many things. That little four-letter word is the means by which we are able to evaluate, estimate and appraise anything in the universe by comparison, in order to come to a reasonable conclusion that will also be logical, meaningful, and makes good sense.

 When you rate something, you must first have a starting point. Then you seek to find things that compare to that starting point so you can have a measurement. By way of study on this subject, we are taught to use letters and numbers as our starting point, and then to build knowledge and wisdom that is logical and understandable. We begin to see patterns emerge that illuminate the mindset of the creator right before our eyes. And by this enlightenment we begin to reflect very deeply on the consciousness of all things in the universe.  Thus, we realize a measurable pattern that makes good damn sense!

Let’s look at an example.  In common sense, 1+1=2.  We are taught this simple rate of numbers from a very early age.  It makes good sense.  However, there is higher mathematical logic which states that 1+1=3.  Based on the logic which we are accustomed to, some of us may choose to dismiss this equation, instead of studying how it could be possible. And by doing so, we remain blind to a higher wisdom, which reflects the Creator himself.  However, if you were to add a higher rate of knowledge, you would learn a higher, more spiritual application.  You would be able to understand, that if we were to apply the wisdom of God/Allah, we would be able to prove it in no limit of time.

 We would then understand that there is an equation that states, in all truth, that 1+1=3. It stands true when we consider that 1 man + 1 woman = a third person, a new life, an infant, if you will. Thus, we come to understand that there are other patterns in the universe that also measure the reflection of the Creator’s mindset correctly.  This equation introduces us to a higher, unlimited understanding. We can then develop our own conscience theology by way of a more expansive degree of knowledge on how to use numbers and letters. And by doing so we develop a higher degree of knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the God/ Creator we serve. Psalms 90: 12 – “So teach us, Oh Lord, to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom”. MORE NEXT TIME