All knowledge and wisdom regarding our lives and the earth we live on is known by letters and numbers.  The Greeks, such as Pythagoras (500 BC), studied the Ancient Egyptian teachings on all of this and learned that there were seven basic formulas of letters and numbers that are organized in two parts.  The first part is called Trivium, (which consists of three subjects on letters) and the Second part is called Quadrivium, (which consists of four subjects on numbers). Don’t let these two terms frighten you, (smile). They are quite simple and easy to learn. Both are described below. Let us see how they work together to give us an elevated way of thinking.

THE FIRST ONE IS THE TRIVIUM (The 3-part physics of letters)

1…Grammer – which insures the proper use and structure of language. It sets a standard of arrangements of letters which guides us on how to develop and group words, sentences and even structure our very thoughts, certainly how we communicate with one another. By speaking grammar properly, we develop a proper language. By use of a proper language, we learn how to apply the Mathematical Theology of the second one, the Quadrivium, and use it in its proper term. In fact, the word grammar in Greek means “the art of letters”.


2…Logic – the proper use of letters and numbers, (which includes such things as reading, listening, drawing, studying, observing…)  in order to seek out truth and understanding.


3… Rhetoric – the beautiful way of expressing knowledge, truth and understanding by the proper use of grammar and logic.


THE SECOND ONE IS THE QUADRIVIUM (The 4-part physics of numbers)


1… Arithmetic – learning the elementary basic way numbers work, (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)


2… Geometry – learning how numbers connect with each other by way of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and other dimensions of measurements. (All things in our world have shape and sizes, and geometry is the science of learning and understanding them all).  This is how we build houses, bridges, and rockets. This is how we learn and understand the building blocks of all things in nature, such as leaves, how our bodies are structured and even the structure of clouds.  In fact, “geo” means earth and “metron” means measure.


3…Harmony – Harmony is the oneness and unity of frequency, sound, vibration and time. This is the level where numbers bring all things into “living”. Harmony demonstrates the oneness of all things above and below. By way of harmony, we observe the living quality of letters and numbers.

Music is an excellent example of Harmony by use of numbers and letters. Music is a language of numbers and letters that is pleasing to the sense of our hearing and stimulates our nervous system. Music is composed of bringing letters and numbers into a space which we call TIME. For example, when the conductor cues the orchestra up, he/she does so by counting numbers according to timing, (one and a two and a three). It is at this point that all the numbers and letters in the musical composition come to life “in time” and fills “space” in harmony with each other.

Also consider that our heart beats in a pattern of distinct sounds that emit an energy frequency which is measured by an EKG machine in your doctor’s office. An EKG records the harmony, (or the music) of the electrical signals of your heart in a way that can be read by letters and numbers, (just like sheet music, but with its own medical interpretation and meaning). We can hear the Harmony/music of our hearts this way.

Harmony is the soul of life.  It is the real oneness of peace and beauty. Briefly quoting Plato, “Music, (harmony) is a moral law, that gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind and flight to the imagination and charm and gaiety to life, in fact to everything.”


4…Astronomy – an accumulation of all the previously stated in order to realize numbers and letters, not only in time, (like Harmony) but also in what we call space. Physicist term this as “Space/Time”. Time is the structure that brings all things into Harmony and space is the unlimited, continuous, infinite context that lives in the structure of Time.  Astronomy is a method using all numbers and letters to measure everything in space and in time. Astronomy gives context to space and time.

By applying our knowledge and understanding of the Trivium and the Quadrivium, we can explore what the universe consists of and how it works.  We can learn, among other things, the mathematical theology behind the creation of our sun, moon, and stars and even ourselves. In other words, we can explore unlimited theological concepts in a scientific way by use of letters and numbers as a tool. We can live forever, gathering evidence of divine patterns of creation, still in existence by way of the mindset of a divine Creator.


THE IDEA THAT GOD speaks through letters and numbers is very ancient. Spiritual Theology begs a requirement for scientific excellence. This is how we achieve divine wisdom in our logic. Divine wisdom also bears upon our hearts to respect a greater knowledge and understanding of all that exists. Through the scientific study of the Trivium of letters and the Quadrivium of numbers, (the seven pillars), we come into a reality that reflects the apparent wisdom of the Creator, especially when we pray and fast. Also, when we eat the proper foods, and exercise. Especially when practice the Harmony of doing unto others as we would have them do unto us.

By doing so we develop within ourselves a healthy mind, body and spirit, which allows us to live our lives meaningfully reflecting His divine wisdom.  We begin to build within ourselves an inner sanctuary of divine wisdom, which in turn gives us inner peace. Our souls begin to evolve in the inner sanctuary of His wisdom, we are embraced lovingly by His wisdom. You see, wisdom is a mighty gift from the Creator by which He rewards you with powerful insight. Wisdom abides by the blueprint, the seven pillars if you will, for living in heaven on earth.  Or as the book of Proverbs 9:1 state “Wisdom builds for herself a house, which she builds by her own seven pillars”. Let us strive within our own souls to dwell in the house that wisdom has built by the blueprint of the sacred seven pillars, the Trivium and the Quadrivium, a house with many mansions belonging to the Father. MORE NEXT TIME