Greeting Supporters,
Thank you so much for your overwhelming response to The Dr. Matilda A. Evans Educational Foundation LLC. The Executive Board would like to invite you to enjoy the special educational presentations and classes offered to you on our website.
Our goal is to share with all of you topics of knowledge which we all can benefit from. New topics will be updated on a weekly basis under the section titled “Dr. Evans’ Class”. Our topics will include information for all from the age of five to a hundred and five! Additionally, we will be conducting interactive seminars, informative lectures, and timely discussions, all related to the infinite study of science. And of course, we will continue to share many historical events in the amazing life of Dr. Evans and other historical scientists. Don't forget to visit our menu button located in the top right hand corner of our webpage.
Remember, curiosity has its own reason for existing, and when we continue to learn, we continue to evolve. “Our hope lies in the multiplication of opportunities for EVERYONE to obtain an education”, Dr. Matilda A. Evans, (1916).
Thank you,
The Executive Board of Directors
The Dr. Matilda A. Evans Educational Foundation LLC
Thank you for your love offering!
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*Be sure to re-enter your email address and press “Enter” on the page that says “Complete” before closing.
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